
 Hii...!!! Hope you'll are doing well. Today a friend of mine told me that hiding something from someone is also lying and I know he is right but what about those who don't know how to talk about their feelings, who don't know how to talk about what'sgoing on with them without the fear of getting judged. There are so many people who don't know how to share they really feel, they feel embarrassed no actually they're scared to share their feelings. No one is born unemotional or unexpressive but as we grow up we learn how to hide our emotions maybe because we didn't get that validation when we needed it or maybe because we were called dramatic or whatever and eventually we stoped sharing and it's not really a good habit because we do feel those emotions but by hiding them we are just exhausting ourselves emotionally, mentally and physically. So please if you've someone really special and close in your life do share your thoughts and feelings with them without having the fear of being judged because the person who really loves you would never judge you.

P.S. Thankyou you so much for reading, I hope you liked it. Please share and follow if you want to. Thanks, this your girl signing off until next time.


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