Trusting ourselves and breaking our boundaries

Heyyy........!!!!! Hope you'll are doing well. Today I was randomly singing a song and I realized that I love to sing but I've never really sang in front of anyone, first, because I'm an introvert and second because I always have this fear in me that what if I mess up, what if people don't like it, what will they think of me. Even tho my parents have always appreciated my voice and they always push me forward not just for singing but also for other things but I always hesitate, I always keep repeating in my mind that what if I ruin it and if I do well I'm like "No! I did so bad, it could've been so much better" and yes it, it could've been better because no matter what there's always a spot for improvement, but in that moment instead of criticizing myself, I should rather be proud for doing something, for coming out of my comfort zone. Instead of thinking what people would think about me I should be thinking that my parents would be proud of me that I went forward and tried something. I'm always like yrr mumma papa I don't wanna do it and them pushing me to do it irritates me but later on I'm always like "oh thank God I did it" so instead of creating more and more walls around us let's try to break the ones we've already built and let's try to live in the moment without the fear of being judged or having any regrets.

P.S. Thankyou for reading, I hope you'll liked it. Please comment down your thoughts and share with others. Thanks this is your girl signing off until next time


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